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Jamil "Jim" Maroun's


The Rise of The Body of Christ

Published April 1, 2024 in Around Here Magazine

Jamil Maroun’s first book, Heroes Wanted: The Screams of Children Have Not Fallen On Deaf Ears, is not an expose about child abuse, rape, murder or other heinous crimes. Less than ten pages reference specific crimes that touched the author’s soul. Instead, the thrust of Jamil’s new book is about his life, his incredible relationship with God, and the incredible visions of the world God compelled Jamil to share with the world. The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 19, The Future: 

In a world where humanity is free to evolve and flourish, acquiring and disseminating knowledge will be the driving force behind our actions and economy. Increasing humanity's overall intelligence level will lead to an improved human race. Intelligent beings will embrace crime prevention policies over law enforcement. Superficial solutions will be abandoned for meaningful change.

Meaningful change will lead to a world where there no longer is any violent crime. Those crimes that can be prevented, will be. Drug addiction will be virtually non-existent, and profits that power the economy will be based on empowering human beings to push their potential to the limits. The era of doing what you can get away with will be eradicated from society as doing what is right becomes the norm.

With the acquisition of knowledge as a driving force of our new economy, cancel culture, identify politics, censorship, personal attacks, cogent dissonance, fallacies, straw man fallacies, straw man arguments, and any other type of false arguments designed to oppress the truth, will no longer be tolerated, and the purveyors of such tactics will be ostracized. Honest debate, rational thought, respect for opposing viewpoints, compromise, and a willingness to build consensus, focus on commonalities, and build solutions that benefit all will prevail.

The greatest tool that can be used to usher in the evolution of humanity is the United States Constitution. Embracing the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, will require the government to return to a smaller, limited government that adheres to the Constitution and honors our system of checks and balances, thereby limiting tyranny and resulting in greater freedom and liberty for all.

Creating better human beings who value life isn’t rocket science. Society has always had the knowledge and skills to develop better human beings but has lacked the will. I knew that if I were a billionaire with a technology empire behind me, I could drive the paradigm shift necessary to affect the changes needed by inspiring others to embrace the possibilities and benefits of evolving humanity. Unfortunately, for both me and humanity, Satan and his minions stopped me before I could even begin.

I mentioned at one point that after having my life squandered and being made irrelevant, God had absolved me of the commitments I made to Him. However, the evolution of humanity is vital if we are to survive. As such, the commitments I made to God now fall under the auspices of the church and the Body of Christ. Whereas I was just one man, equipped with God’s visions, the Body of Christ is hundreds of millions strong, controls huge financial resources, and possesses exceptional political connections.

For the righteous among us, the ones who love Jesus so much and would do anything for Him, including squandering my life—it is now your time to shine and rise to the occasion. We all know Christianity is about doing what is right and being just. There’s nothing more important, right or just, than driving humanity to evolve and eradicating evil from the face of the planet. Humanity must evolve, and as human beings, we must do better. Humanity can accomplish great things, and by working with God, we can achieve the impossible.

For the spiritual leaders that guide the flock, it’s time for you and your brethren to up your game, roll up your sleeves, and get busy with a sense of urgency. The future of humanity is at stake, as are your souls…

Jamil “Jim” Maroun is a new, local author. His first book, Heroes Wanted: The Screams of Children Have Not Fallen on Deaf Ears is available at jamilmaroun.com

© Jamil Maroun 2023. All rights reserved.