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Jamil "Jim" Maroun's



Changing The World

Published August 26, 2023 on LinkedIn

Have you ever imagined what our world would look like if there were no corruption, no murders, no rape, no violence, no thefts, no drug addiction, no injustices, and everyone was working towards making this a better world? Have you ever wondered where God is or why God doesn’t intervene when horrible, violent crimes are committed against innocent victims? I have! When I read about a nine-year-old girl who was savagely raped, poisoned and left for dead, I asked God why He allowed such atrocities. God’s simple response changed my life forever. From that moment on, I pledged to God that I would use the skills, talents, and gifts He bestowed upon me to honor Him by preventing these horrible crimes and making this a better world for all. God took me on my offer.

At a time when everyone was trying to monetize the internet, God began blessing me with numerous innovative and visionary technology-based businesses. Despite my best efforts, I was never able to launch a single company. While God had partnered with me, unbeknownst to me, nefarious forces plotted against me, and it would be well over a decade before I realized I wasn’t a failure. My life had been purposely squandered and made irrelevant. At the lowest point in my life, when I was defeated and all hope was lost, God intervened and compelled me to tell the story of my life and share with the world the incredible details of my relationship with Him, as well as the visions He provided me with for defeating Satan, evolving humanity, and making this a better world for all. After eight years, on August 9, 2023, I fulfilled my obligation to God and published my first book:

Since the beginning of my writing odyssey, I believed the sole purpose of God compelling me to share my story was so humanity could benefit from my experiences with God and the visions of the world God had provided me with. It was only during the final six months of putting my book together that I realized that God had an ulterior motive. In order to tell my story, God forced me to examine the details of my life so that I could discover my life has value. I’m a good person, striving to make this a better world for all every day. The text in the graphic at the top of this page is from a document I created back in 1992 when tasked with brainstorming who I was. I discovered the forgotten document in an old file folder and was pleasantly surprised to recognize the sentences I had written represented who I am, what I believed in, and what I wanted to accomplish with my life. I had captured the essence of my being. Recognizing the significance of this document, I turned it into a poster, and given my life experiences, I aptly titled it “I Am The Miracle.” The poster hangs on the wall next to my desk. A full copy of the poster text can be found in my new book.

If you believe in goodness overcoming evil, doing what is right, not what you can get away with, and are striving to make this a better world for all, then I invite you to pick up a copy of my book. Our world is engaged in an epic battle between good and evil, and it’s imperative for all good people to unite in their efforts to defeat evil.

I hope you’ll join me and become the Hero the world needs. For more information visit www.jamilmaroun.com or purchase directly from www.amazon.com
Jamil “Jim” Maroun

© Jamil Maroun 2023. All rights reserved.