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Jamil "Jim" Maroun's


My first book, Heroes Wanted: The Screams of Children Have Not Fallen On Deaf Ears, is not an expose about child abuse, rape, murder, or other heinous crimes. Instead, the focus of my book is about my incredible relationship with God.

From early childhood, I’ve pursued a relationship with God. I’ve battled Satan twice and was fortunate to have an encounter with God out in the Utah desert. When God revealed to me why he doesn't intervene when little girls are raped and left for dead, I pledged to God that I would use the skills, talents, and gifts He bestowed upon me to prevent these types of horrendous crimes from ever happening. God responded to my offer in a big way. I was to be a technology titan, but before I could begin, nefarious forces plotted against me and made me irrelevant.

At the lowest point in my life, when I had given up, lost hope, and trashed my relationship with God, out of nowhere, God showed up, intervened on my behalf, and compelled me to share my story with the world. God is not dormant, nor is God going to fix the societal problems humanity creates and tolerates for itself. However, God is everywhere, listening, watching, and waiting for people to reach out and form their own personal relationships with Him.

Inside the pages of my book, I share the intimate details of my life, my experiences with God, and the incredible visions of the world God has shared with me and compelled me to share with you.

God is looking for Heroes, and it all starts with you!


Jamil Maroun

© Jamil Maroun 2023. All rights reserved.